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AED/Defibrillator Tester

AED/Defibrillator Tester,Designed for R&D and QA departments, the AED tester integrates multiple needed testing equipment and functions.

  • 产品型号:DFS400
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-09-26
  • 访  问  量:434



AED/Defibrillator Tester,Designed for R&D and QA departments, the AED tester integrates multiple needed testing equipment and functions.

With its dedicated software, test data such as the shock waveform, energy (in Joules), parameters, and characteristic points are displayed on one screen and automatically saved to establish a comprehensive test history.

Moreover, it offers switchable loads to evaluate AED shock performance across different scenarios and allows comparison of multiple shock waveforms through the Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis, ensuring consistent AED quality and reliability.


Intuitive software interface with shock-related information on one screen – the waveform, energy (in Joules), parameters, and characteristic points captured at a sampling rate of 4μs

Automatically saves complete raw data of the shock waveform to establish a test history

Outputs ECG waveforms with selectable adult and child modes to achieve high accuracy for testing

Raw data playback – plays recorded raw data or customized waveforms for repeated verification to facilitate the development process

Built-in switchable loads ranging from 25Ω to 200Ω

Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis – compares the shock waveforms of multiple DUTs or a single DUT to confirm the consistency of quality and reliability, facilitating conducting the endurance test described in IEC 60601-2-4*

Provides software development kit (SDK) for developing automated testing programs

*Note: The Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis needs a separate purchase.

AED/Defibrillator Tester

AED/Defibrillator Tester



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  • 联系电话:13671818969

  • 联系邮箱:lisa815@yeah.net

  • 公司地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区老芦公路536号

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