河南医疗检验所采购我司代理的COMPLIANCE WEST 除颤效能测试仪
优质患者模拟器AECG100, 同步输出 ECG 心电及 PPG 光学心率模拟讯号,ECG 及 PPG 讯号间的 PWTT 脉搏波传导时间可调整符合国际最新医疗标准:IEC 60601-2-47、YY 0885、YY 9706.247,适用于研发、法规符合性及产线测试
优质患者模拟器AECG100, 同步输出 ECG 心电及 PPG 光学心率模拟讯号,ECG 及 PPG 讯号间的 PWTT 脉搏波传导时间可调整,符合国际新医疗标准:IEC 60601-2-47, China YY-0782,适用于研发、法规符合性及产线测试
多功能综合性能测试仪,兼容于使用 ECG 心电及 PPG 光学心率技术穿戴式装置
AECG100 ECG 模块依据移动式心电图标准测试线路之要求设计,输出讯号符合医疗标准,可选择搭配单信道或双信道光学 PPG 模块
AECG100 单信道光学模块可提供 PPG 心率模拟讯号,双信道光学模块提供 SpO2 血氧饱和度仿真讯号
PWTT 脉搏波传导时间参数可调整,有效提升血压测量算法准确
可拨放原始资料 Raw Data 波形,重现临床验证收集的资料
AECG 标准辅助软件简化测试步骤,点击鼠标即可完成医疗标准所需测试
SDK 软件开发工具包提供用户编写自动化测试软件的弹性
ECG Mode Parameter | Specification |
Main Output Voltage Resolution | 2.5μV (DAC resolution) |
Main Output Voltage Accuracy | ±1% for amplitudes of 0.5mVpp or higher |
Frequency/Pulse Repetition Rate Accuracy | ±1% |
Pacing Pulse Amplitude Range | ±1mV ~ ±1000mV |
Pacing Pulse Amplitude Accurcy | ±2mV pulse: ±1% >2mV pulse,<-2mV: ±10% |
Pacing Pulse Width Range | 0.1ms~2ms |
Pacing Pulse Width Resolution | 0.1ms |
Pacing Pulse Width Accuracy | ±5μs |
Pacing Pulse Rise/Fall Time | 5μs |
Pacing Pulse Overshoot | <1% |
Pacing Pulse Setting Time | <1% |
Sample Rate | 1K (Normal mode);10K (Raw data mode) |
Sample Rate Accuracy | Depend on system clock accuracy |
DC Offset Range (fixed, noise free, sourced from internal super capacitor) | -300mV, +300mV |
DC Offset Accuracy (fixed, noise free, sourced from internal super capacitor) | ±1% |
DC Offset Range (variable, may include up to 50μVpp noise) | 0~±500mV |
DC Offset Accuracy (variable, may include up to 50μVpp noise) | ±1% |
RCA Output Amplitude Range | ECG electrode output x1000, max 10V |
RCA Output Amplitude Accuracy | ±1% for amplitudes of 0.5Vpp or higher |
PPG Mode Parameter | Specification |
BPM Range | 30~300BPM |
BPM Resolution | 1 BPM |
BPM Accuracy | ±1 BPM |
LED AC Level Reference Output Range (RCA) | 0~3 V(Full range) |
LED AC Level Reference Output Resolution | (1/3000) Full Range |
LED AC Level Reference Output Accuracy | ±6% |
Lumen Range | 50 ~ 925 Lux (full range) (5mm from diffusion film) |
Lumen Resolution | (1/3000) Full Range |
Lumen Accuracy | ±6% |
Light Wavelength Range | 525nm |
Light Wavelength Resolution | ±10nm |
S/N Ratio | >51dB (with USB isolator) |
PD Response Time (Rising) | 1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity) |
PD Response Time (Falling) | 1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity) |
PWTT Mode Parameter | Specification |
Time Difference (PTTp, PTTf) Range | 0~1999ms (decrease with increased BPM) |
Time Difference (PTTp, PTTf) Resolution | 1ms |
Time Difference (PTTp, PTTf) Accuracy | ±1ms |
SpO2 Parameter | Specification |
BPM Range | 30~300 BPM |
BPM Resolution | 1 BPM |
BPM Accuracy | ±1 BPM |
LED AC Level Reference Output Range (RCA) | 0~3V(Full range) |
LED AC Level Reference Output Resolution (RCA) | (1/3000 )full range |
LED AC Level Reference Output Accuracy (RCA) | ±6% |
PI (AC level/DC level) Range | 0.025% ~ 30% (AC/DC, varies with AC or DC level ) |
Light Wavelength Range | Red: 660nm; Infrared: 940nm or 880nm |
Light Wavelength Accuracy | Red:±10nm; Infrared: ±10nm |
S/N Ratio | >51DB (with USB isolator) |
PD Rising Response Time | 1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity) |
PD Falling Response Time Rising | 1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity) |
Spo2 (%) Range | 30%~99.99% |
Spo2 (%) Resolution | 1% |
Spo2 (%) Accuracy | Use first degree of polynomial to set R-curve, ±1~±3(%)@70~100(%)+specified accuracy of the DUT.Use second degree of polynomial to set R-curve,±1~±2(%)@70~100(%)+specified accuracy of the DUT |